
Yelp Reviews

The #1 complaint I hear is that there is no recourse when a company gets a bad review. This page will hopefully give you some relief. While we can’t make Yelp remove the fake review, you can state your case here!

Instructions: Copy and Paste the link to the negative review so we can see it. State why it’s fake, false, misleading, or otherwise should be removed. Post links to your evidence (either in PDF, youtube videos, Google Docs, etc).

Our community will rate it using the commenting system, thumbs up or down, as well as replies. This is one of the main places that we will be putting pressure on Yelp for a review system.  So post away!!!

And now there may be even more help! If everyone who has had their positive reviews filters files a complaint with the FTC, we WILL see action taken against them.

To contact the FTC to file a complaint against YELP:

Call (877) 382-4357. Also, use FTC.gov and IC3.gov to get to the Internet company complaints division.


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