Do you Yelp? Do you pay attention to restaurant reviews on Yelp? The popular local listing and user review site compiled lists of top-rated restaurants in the U.S. and 19 other countries where it has an active user base, and unlike those fancy restaurant awards and other national “top lists,” Las Vegas was well-represented.

In Yelp’s list of the top 100 less expensive restaurants in the U.S., local eateries Poke Express (in North Las Vegas), Baguette Cafe and Komex Fusion Express all made the cut. The ratings are based on user reviews and adjusted for volume of reviews.

In the same list for more expensive restaurants, é by José Andrés, the restaurant within Jaleo at Cosmopolitan, was accompanied by Strip neighbor Joël Robuchon at MGM Grand. Off-Strip favorites Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steakhouse, Raku and Kabuto also made the list.